Duties and Powers of the Office Bearers



Clause -1. The President.
i. The Executive powers of Association shall vest in and be exercised by the
ii. Shall be chairman of all the meetings of the Association and the Executive
iii. Shall be responsible for maintenance of order at such meetings.
iv. Shall guide and control the activities of the association.
v. Shall regulate the proceedings of the meetings and conference, interpret the
Rules and Bye-Laws and decide doubtful points and issues during the meeting.
vi. Shall, in addition to his ordinary vote, have a casting vote in case of equal
votes (tie).
vii. All types of meetings shall be presided over by the President or in his absence or at his request by the Vice President or any other distinguished guest.
viii. Shall pass and approve bills of the Association up to an extent provided in Bye-Laws.
ix. In case of any serious complaint against an employee or controversy, he may
himself decide or order an inquiry into the matter and can suspend the employee
concerned pending inquiry.
Clause II. The Vice President
To discharge the duties of President in his absence.
Clause III. The General Secretary.
i. Shall be incharge of the office and all its belongings.
ii. Shall conduct all routine correspondence.
iii. Shall have general supervision of accounts, pass all bills for payment.
iv. Shall faithfully record minutes of the meetings and shall present these before the following meetings for confirmation.
v. Shall have the right to invite guests in consultation with President and the Executive Committee including non-members to participate, entertain, or address the meetings of the Association.
vi. Shall have powers to spend as mentioned in Bye-Laws.
vii. Shall organize, arrange and convene all types of meetings, conferences,
lecture and demonstrations.
viii. Shall be an ex-officeio member of all the committees.
ix. Shall maintain a correct and upto date register of all members of the Association.
x. In all matters he shall be under the control and guidance of the President and the Executive Committee.
xi. Shall bring any matter which he considers necessary in the interest of the Association to the notice of the President and the Executive Committee for guidance and decision.
xii. Shall promote the activities of the Association and publish the news and views of the Association in the journals and other information media.
xiii. Shall be incharge of the employees of the Association and supervise their
Clause IV. The Joint Secretary.
i. Shall assist the General Secretary and officiate and perform the duties and
functions during his absence.
ii. In case of resignation etc of the General Secretary the Executive Committee
shall have powers to promote the Joint Secretary or to hold election to elect
a new Secretary.
Clause V. The Finance Secretary.
i. Shall receive all payments on behalf of the Association and deposit them in a
bank or banks approved by the Executive Committee to the credit of the
Association and operate the accounts along with the General Secretary or
the President.
ii. Shall be responsible for collection of all subscriptions and contributions due to
the association, and for recording accurate accounts of the association.
iii. Shall dispoe off the bills for payments on written instruction from the president
and General Secretary.
iv. Shall have the right to point out any error or discrepancy in the order of payment
of the President and General Secretary and refer the order back to him with his
remarks. In the event of the disagreement persisting between the President
and General Secretary and Finance Secretary the matter shall be referred to
the Executive Committee/General Body for final decision.
v. Shall be responsible for keeping upto-date accounts of the Association.
vi. Shall get the accounts audited by the Auditors of the Association.
vii. Shall prepare and get audited quarterly statement of accounts to be placed
before the Executive Committee and General body.
viii. Shall prepare an annual budget and a balance sheet showing the financial
position of the Association, get it audited by the Auditors appointed by
The General Body and submit it for adoption in the quarterly General Body
ix. Shall go be overall incharge of the finance of all the committee and sub-Committees.