General Procedure of Meeting



i. Minutes of all the meetings shall be correctly kept and shall duly be confirmed
at the following meetings.
ii. No resolution adopted or r ejected at a meeting shall be re-considered
unless six months have elapsed or 30% of the voting members request for
its re-consideration.
iii. The President of the Association may adjourm a meeting, if deemed
necessary, particularly if the majority of the members present are in favour
of the adjournment.
iv. No business shall be transacted at a special or requisitioned meeting other
than that for which the meeting is called.
v. Intimation may be sent to any member either personally or through any
employee of the Association or by post under Postal Certificate.
vi. If the quorum is not complete, the meeting shall be adjourned by the
President, and recalled, after 10 minutes. The agenda will remain the same.
No quorum is required for such an adjourned meeting. Whether of General
Body, Executive Committee or requisitioned meeting.