There shall be four types of meetings of the Association.
Section-1. Executive Committee Meetings.
Clause – A. The meetings of the Executive Committee shall be held as often as felt
necessary by the President in consultation with the General Secretary or on the written
request to the General Secretary by 1/3rd members of the Executive Committee. At
least 24 hours notice of the meetings shall be given to all the members stating place,
date and time along with the agenda by the General Secretary.
Clause – B. Under Extra Ordinary Circumstances the emergency meeting of the
Executive Committee shall be without any prior notice provided all members are
Clause – C. The quorum for these meetings shall be one-third of the members.
Section (II). General Body Meetings.
The meetings of the General Body Shall be held as and when considered necessary by
the President in consultation with the General Secretary. This is will also include annual
General Meeting for the purpose of General Elections. One week’s notice of this
meeting shall be given to all the members stating place, data and time along with
agenda and statements of audited accounts by the General Secretary. The quorum for
General Body meetings shall be 1/3rd members.
Section (III). Social Meetings.
Social meetings will be held as and when decided by the Executive Committee.
One or more distinguished persons, not necessarily doctors, may be invited to address
the meeting on medical or any other important topic. Non-members can also be invited
by the President in consultation with the Executive Committee.
If any additional expenditure is entailed the mode of payment shall be decided by the
Executive Committee with its budget authority.
No quorum formalities will be observed in such meetings.
One the written demand of 1/3 members of the Executive Committee or 30% of
the voting members, the President shall call a requisitioned Executive Committee
meeting or the General Body meeting. Such meetings will only discuss the agenda for
which it has been called. President should call such meetings with in 4 days.